Visual Field Testing

A visual field test is a test of your peripheral vision. It is especially required for eye conditions that can damage the optic nerve or the retina with medical conditions such as:

Thyroid disorders
Multiple sclerosis
Retinal detachment and tears
Optic neuritis

How to do the test?

Testing of visual field is fun, being similar to playing a video game. You are required to sit in front of the visual field machine and look ahead, normally at a central vision’s position. You will be provided with a button to press when you see an object inside the visual field machine when it is appearing above, below and off to the sides.

A graphic report will be generated showing the patterns or abnormalities of your overall vision health.

We also provide this test as required by the Alberta Vehicle Registration, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Edmonton Police Services (EPS)’s application.